About the Algae Chlorella & the Company Chlorellies

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Chlorella is a fresh water, single-celled algae which contains the highest amount of chlorophyll of any known plant. The nutritional analysis is so impressive that it is purported to contain everything needed to support life on Earth. Chlorella is the most researched algae in the world.

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What is Chlorella?
Chlorella is a single-celled fresh water algae with a history dating back hundreds of years. The wonderful thing about Chlorella is its amazing inherent strength through a genetic structure that has remained unchanged since its discovery. This genetic structure is responsible for Chlorella's nutritive value, ease of cultivation and astonishing rate of growth. Chlorella is the most researched algae in the world. It has been tested by scientists with the Russian Space Program and NASA as a potential food substitute for astronauts. Japan pioneered in developing the technology to grow, harvest and process Chlorella on a large commercially feasible scale. Today it is Japan's No. 1 health food supplement and frequently included in salads and sushi.


Health Benefits of Chlorella
Chlorella is used as a nutritional supplement. It is also thought to boost the immune system and help fight infection. It has been shown to increase the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which helps treat ulcers, colitis, diverticulosis and Crohn's disease.
It has also been used to treat constipation, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Chlorella has been used to treat cancer and also help protect the body from the effects of cancer radiation treatment. Chlorella has been studied as a powerful enhancer of immunity and as a retardant of aging. Chlorella has been found to stimulate tissue repair, guard cellular integrity, improve nutrient intake and regulate production of energy. Research reveals Chlorella assists in the repair of damaged genetic materials, protect health by supporting vital cellular functions and slows down the aging process.

Richest Source of Chlorophyll
One particular characteristic of Chlorella is its high concentration of chlorophyll, often as high as 7% of its total weight. This has led some to call Chlorella the "Supreme Whole Food Concentration". Chlorella is by far the richest source of chlorophyll available for human nutrition today. Because of its positive effects on health chlorophyll has been called "Nature's Healer". Chlorophyll's chemical structure is similar to hemoglobin; the pigment found in red blood cells and has proven useful as a blood builder which corrects anemia by improving red blood cell count. Known as the most powerful cleansing agent found in nature, chlorophyll detoxifies the bowels, liver, kidney and bloodstream. It normalizes the beneficial bowel flora, stimulates tissue regeneration and speeds the healing of wounds and burns. It also assists in digestion, controls calcium in the body and increases iron absorption. It is best known for its deodorant properties.

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About Us
GWF, L.L.C. is located in Louisiana and was formed in 2006 with the goal of merging the health benefits of Chlorella with the latest growing technologies for ensuring the highest quality chlorella products for you and your pets.

We grow and study chlorella in our state-of-the-art totally enclosed photo bioreactor with every step of the growing process carefully monitored for quality and purity.


Our tubular bioreactor works by circulating algae cells, nutrients, water and carbon dioxide through transparent tubes to maximize the amount of light reaching the Chlorella cells which produces maximum growth and maintains purity. This closed, controlled system ensures that environmental parameters are automatically controlled and the fully automated operation dramatically reduces contamination from bacteria and the environment.

Our tubular bioreactor works by circulating algae cells, nutrients, water and carbon dioxide through transparent tubes to maximize the amount of light reaching the Chlorella cells which produces maximum growth and maintains purity. This closed, controlled system ensures that environmental parameters are automatically controlled and the fully automated operation dramatically reduces contamination from bacteria and the environment.

GWF’s attention to quality processing and ingredients is maintained at every level. Nothing but human grade ingredients are used; in fact, staff, friends, neighbors and our pets consume our Chlorella in raw form.

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  • Chlorellies will slow aging and give your dog more life.

  • Chlorellies give your dog more stamina and energy.

  • Chlorellies promotes shiny coats and easier grooming.

  • Chlorellies promotes healthy skin with less scratching.

  • Chlorellies promotes clean teeth and fresh breath.

  • Chlorellies helps combat joint stiffness and pain.

  • Chlorellies aids in tissue repair helping your dog heal.

  • Chlorellies helps your dog resist allergens.

  • Chlorellies Detoxify your dog from environmental toxins.
  • From the nutritional value, to the health benefits, we feel that our health treats are the best on the market for the future of your pet’s good health.

  • Keep Out of Reach of Children