From Cynthia Furey

About project

Appy Health is a startup company based on the concept of patient privacy. I worked as a designer and front developer consultant.



Included Stakeholder Interview, Data Analysis, Competitive Analysis and Market Research, User Research.

Research helped us choose which sections of the existing website to migrate, which to eliminate and which to improve. We found the tone of the website needed to change to more nurturing and mature in order to appeal to our target audience. Visuals were outdated, blog section was overfilled and marketing strategies seemed to be falling short.


Included Sketches, Wire-framing, High Fidelity Prototypes, Rough drafts of Copy, Edits to existing content

In this step we put our findings in research to good use and created ideas and scaffolds of designs. Designs were created around the content rather than the other way around. We believe designing has to be done with the content already in mind, otherwise it's more decorations than design.


Included completing User Interface, Visual Imagery, adding delightful interactions and pizzazz if you will.

We worked on creating an experience from the scaffolds and content already in place. In this step colors and pictures were added, mock-ups were generated and content was edited to be more than just a rough draft.


Putting all work so far to test with both users and stakeholders.

We gathered a small sample reflecting our user group and asked for their feedback. We observed them navigating the product, noted their interactions and made adjustments to minimize pain points. Next we took their feedback to stakeholders to challenge assumptions and find suitable and profitable solutions.


Rinse and repeat as needed!

We went back to research, explore, design and test steps for a few sprints until the stakeholders and our small sample of end users were happy with the project.



At the discovery phase of my project, I conducted user and stakeholder interviews in order to get a better understanding of the medical industry and expectations for both healthcare provider as well as patient.

Stakeholder questions:

  • Who is the target demographic?
  • What would need to happen in order for you to deem this project successful?
  • What are some websites and brands that you personally like or find easy to use? Why is that?
  • What are some of the healthcare type sites/apps you feel are well designed?

User Interviews

  • I interviewed 3-5 people.
  • I was interested on the perspective from seasoned healthcare experts and also their experiences working with patients.
  • Based on these insights I made the following changes to the design prior to my redesigns:
  • Created a refreshing contemporary look with a more personal secure feel.
  • Established brand standards
  • Improved functionality, allowing users to login, fill out forms and find information more intuitive and efficient.
  • Designs took complex functionality and requirements making them a lot more organized and user friendly.
  • Designs for web app targeted the needs of the healthcare provider and mobile app targeted the patient. Keeping each app focused appropriately yet allowing them to work together and keeping the same look and feel.



I started with hand drawn sketches of the current design and reviewed the design quickly. I made note of links that didn't work, images that were misaligned, padding and margin inconsistencies and etc. Created a general layout of functionality.

Next I sketched a few iterations of possible solutions to the problems I had noticed, I went through each iteration making sure it aligned with the end users requirements and branding guidelines.

UI Design

Knowing the primary users for the web app would be healthcare providers and a mobile app for patients to interact with them, the brand needed to be highly professional looking and in line with top existing healthcare systems. Brand standards needed to be established and implemented.

I made sure the web app designs were all responsive and worked well in tablet and mobile format as well as various desktop sizes. The patient mobile app was designed to be used on a phone format primarily.

The designs ended up combining a professional yet a refreshing contemporary look and aligned with the newly established branding guidelines.

User Testing

We tested the iterations of the designs by having multiple sessions to discuss feedback from people in the user group and well as medical experts.

Testing methods included user interviews, demos of interactive prototypes, manual testing of both dev and pre prod sites.


  • Before Redesign
  • Mismatched spacing
  • Website copy is temporary
  • Broken layout and alignment
  • Bad quality product images
  • Typography inconsistent with brand aesthetic

After Redesign

  • Corrected issues found
  • Updated photography and mockups
  • Rewrote web and mobile copy
  • Added SEO keywords to backend
  • Product management